Top-level heading


The Departments were established by D.P.R. n. 382/80. The Departments are the organization of one or more research sectors homogeneous by purpose or by method; the same D.P.R. has identified the organization.


This section of the site explains the department's governance structure. The department is led by the Director, who represents the structure for all legal purposes and guarantees its autonomy and cultural unity.In accordance with the Department's Regulations and the Statute of the Sapienza University of Rome.

The Governance of the SAIMAL Department is constituted by the following bodies: Director, Department Board and Department Council.The Director of the Department is assisted in the management of the Department's activities by the Administrative Secretary. The A.S, is responsible for the Administrative Secretariat and coordinates the administrative-accounting activities, assuming responsibility, jointly with the Director, for the resulting acts.




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